Monica Moser
36 min readMar 3, 2019


This is the third installment in my TV Shows & The Enneagram series.

*These are out of order on my Medium profile as I’ve had to re-publish them from a site that crashed. This was a third a did in this series. Check out The Office, Parks & Rec, and Gilmore Girls.

This time we are looking into the perfect show to cure your early ’00s emo nostalgia: One Tree Hill.

We’ll be looking into 6 characters (who don’t wanna be anything other than what they’ve been tryna be lately, ya know?) and 6 relationship dynamics.

Listen to the coordinating podcast episode on my show Monologue HERE.

Let us begin!


Julian Baker is a Type 4 (The Individualist) with a Type 3 wing (The Achiever)

Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.

Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be — role models who inspire others.

Julian doesn’t show up until more than halfway through the series, but he’s such a great character / Brooke’s love / low-key my dream man.

Julian is great because he’s creative and sensitive, but he’s not overly moody and withdrawn (like Lucas can be). His wing 3 can be so prominent at times I was tempted to type him a 3w4.

The Enneagram Four with a Three-Wing is called “The Aristocrat.”

4w3 breakdown:

  • 4w3s are sociable, ambitious, accomplished
  • They possess creativity and drive, a desire to improve, and are goal-oriented
  • They create with an audience in mind
  • They are adaptable, sensitive to others, and want to make something of themselves in the world
  • 4w3s have a strong sense of the romantic
  • When unhealthy they become self-inhibited and alienated from others, depressed, self-contemptuous, and hold a secret envy of others

Julian was the hardest for me to type because I haven’t watched the later seasons in a while. But Julian is unique, creative, and romantic (which drew me to a 4) and the pressure he puts on himself to succeed in his creative endeavors (which stems from his dad) drew me to a 3 for his wing.

Early on when you’re trying to decide if he’s a good guy or not, I think he really exhibits the unhealthy aspects of a 3, being a bit deceiving and inauthentic. But as we get to know him, especially through his relationship with Brooke, he is a healthy 4w3: able to be sensitive but objective, romantic but realistic, and ambitious but not overly consumed with achieving affection and recognition.

& finally…


Haley James Scott is a Type 2 (The Helper) with a Type 1 wing (The Reformer)

Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.

Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience. At their Best: wise, discerning, realistic, and noble. Can be morally heroic.

“She’s a good person” is always something we’re hearing from Nathan. And it’s true! Haley James is supportive, loving, and empathetic. I guess you could say… she wears a halo? Hehe.

She’s mostly a healthy 2 throughout the series — from patiently supporting Nathan despite his many screw-ups and resurfaced ish from his past, to unconditionally loving her best friend Lucas, to sticking up and fighting for the underdog (Mia in her music career, Quinton in school/basketball, etc.) and even joining the squad to help out Brooke.

The Enneagram Two with a One-Wing is called “The Servant.”

2w1 breakdown:

  • 2w1s strive for love through goodness and selfless service
  • They want to significantly impact others’ lives (altruistically, when healthy)
  • They hold objective and intellectual orientation to facts and values alongside their emotional warmth
  • 2w1s are very often in teaching roles and are able to bring ideas to life
  • When unhealthy they can be self-righteous, inflexible, and moralistic — quick to condemn others while justifying themselves on moral grounds

I was tempted to type her a 2w3 (because of the performance aspect of her personality) and even though I think she has some 3 tendencies (achieving in school / performing) I think she’s less motivated by an outward need to perform and more by an inner sense of morality.

When I read the negative aspects of a 2w1 I think about her wanting to divorce Nathan when Nanny Carrie flirts with HIM — even though he totally should’ve told her about it immediately and shut it down immediately…. She plays a bit of a self-righteous/morality card when Nathan screws up or something comes up from the past, and whenever Peyton and Lucas are being shady. Again, justified, but she sometimes butts in too much and is too judgmental. And I feel like her stint with Chris Keller was totally about feeling like she’s always “the helper” and always “the perfectionist” that she wanted to do something reckless and selfish.

But at the end of the day, HJS is an emotionally warm and supportive friend, an inspiring teacher, and a loving wife and mother.

Peyton Sawyer is a Type 4 (The Individualist) with a Type 5 wing (The Investigator)

Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.

Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.

Peyton is such a 4. Easiest one for me to type.

Her first interaction with Lucas says it all:

And her famous quote “people always leave” is so much at the root of one of the biggest fears of a 4: that they are too defected to be loved and that they are destined for abandonment.

The Enneagram Four with a Five-Wing is called “The Bohemian.”

4w5 breakdown:

  • 4w5s are profoundly creative, intuitively insightful, and emotionally sensitive
  • Their self-expression is highly personal, tend to create more for themselves than for an audience
  • Their emotional world is dominant reality and they tend to be loners
  • They are extremely independent and unconventional
  • When unhealthy they become secretive, preoccupied with their thoughts, reclusive, they become lost in emotional turmoil, alienated from others & pessimistic

I love Peyton. She’s so angsty and creative and always encourages the people around her to be themselves. Even though she and Brooke go through a lottt, when they are not going through Lucas stuff, Peyton allows Brooke to be herself and helps her sit in her feelings. When Anna comes out, Peyton is accepting and even becomes somewhat of a martyr by wearing the word dyke spray painted on her tank top to school. She’s really in touch with her creativity and is so passionate about the power of music, and ultimately wants everyone to share and be apart of something beautiful.

At her worst, she becomes overly withdrawn, doesn’t let anyone in because she feels so misunderstood, and becomes her own bully.

But at her best, she is honest and creative and uses the trauma she’s been through to relate to and empathize with others, and to create something beautiful, personal and unifying.

Some more 4w5 Peyton quotes for ya:

“Don’t be afraid to be who you are.”

“My life is pretty good, it is. But I was just searching for something to make it great, something to make it matter.”

“People are going to disappoint you, I get that, I kind of expect that but, what happens if one day you wake-up and realize you are the disappointment.”

“It’s a rush, this new darkness that appears everything is coming at you so fast. One second you’re happy with your life, and then you get this over towering feeling of sadness. In this depression, you feel alone, knowing of rejection, all because something happens, and you don’t know how to react because simply of the process of letting someone in, especially when the people closest to you disappoint you even when they think they were protecting you, but all we need to do is breathe.”

Stay cool, P-Sawyer.

Nathan Scott is a Type 3 (The Achiever) with a Type 2 wing (The Helper)

Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be — role models who inspire others.

Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.

I was tempted to type Nathan an 8 (because of his temper and the ways that he can be like Dan when unhealthy). 8s also struggle with vulnerability but so do 3s, and a 3 ultimately made more sense to me.

The Enneagram Three with a Two-Wing is called “The Charmer” or “The Star.”

3w2 breakdown:

  • 3w2s enjoy being the center of attention, are charming, sociable, and popular
  • They maintain a sense of poise and self-control and care a great deal about what others think of them
  • 3w2s often play the role that they believe will win others over and even cheer them up.
  • 3w2s are always, in a sense, on stage, acting a part. This often spending hours in the gym and honing their people skills. All of which speaks to a degree of need for external validation.
  • When unhealthy they become competitive and obsessively compare themselves to others
  • They can use areas of life as a narcissistic projection of themselves
  • They can become hostile if they are not on top, disconnected hostility can spill out in fits of rage.

First off, his identity is so rooted in him achieving on the bball court. Enjoys being the center of attention. Confident, charming, and ambitious. Spends hours in the gym. C’mon.

But beyond that, 3s often try to be who they think others want them to be. He’s always trying to be the person he thinks Haley would want him to be, when Haley really just wants him. I think her 2 and 1ness really makes him feel this way, but we’ll touch on that more in the relationship section.

His lowest points in the show are when he’s not playing basketball well (or at all — like in Season 5 after his accident) or when Haley leaves him (when she goes on tour in Season 2 and wants a divorce in Season 5). This totally exemplifies a 3 with 2 tendencies — he’s lowest when he’s not achieving and when he’s not being loved by Haley.

Despite his faults, Nathan grows so much as a character. He’s committed to excellence and perseverance and to his family and friends.

Lucas Scott is a Type 5 (The Investigator) with a Type 4 wing (The Individualist)

Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.

Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.

Lucas’s type is interesting because it’s the inverse of Peyton. I think he could possibly be a four too, but even though he’s emotional and individualistic, he’s mostly defined by his insightfulness and cerebral personality.

The Enneagram Five with a Four-Wing is called “The Iconoclast.”

5w4 breakdown:

  • 5w4 is the more subjective Five subtype.
  • 5w4s are driven to understand their own personality, routinely exploring their identity and life’s purpose.
  • They exemplify a union of intuition and knowledge, sensitivity and insight, seek beauty within truth, and look for comprehensive vision
  • 5w4s are emotionally delicate, highly creative and imaginative, and envision alternate realities in detail
  • They are idiosyncratic and individualistic in their investigative methods, in many ways operating more like artists than scientists.

Like, what?

  • Their explorations are informed, and to some extent driven, by their need for personal meaning and authenticity.
  • When unhealthy they can become moody and reclusive
  • They can become nihilistic, full of self-hatred, prone to despair, and cynical

Oh, Lucas. Such a controversial character. My friends and I agree that he’s got the classic case of “good guy syndrome.” And maybe that’s because he was the romance of a 4 in his wing, but the motivations of a 5 making him more logical and detached. Like, why can’t I say this nice thing to this girl I have history with? How is that misleading at all?

Lucas wants to do well on the court, but it’s more because he simply loves the game — not because it’s really apart of his identity to achieve and perform. His main needs seem to be to express himself, speculate human existence and behavior, and to share his insights with the people around him. He’s constantly trying to help his friends and family achieve their dreams, be the best they can be, etc. (sometimes to a fault) and is always trying to mend broken relationships by using his sensitivity and insight.

Like when he tells Peyton her passion matters and sends her illustrations to a magazine.

I love Lucas but he sometimes frustrates the hell out of me.

Perhaps the time I’m most annoyed with him is the Lindsey Strauss phase. You propose to Peyton and she says “not yet.” Ok, that sucks, but you immediately give up on your relationship with her and date your editor. And when Peyton moves back to town you say unfair things to her like when she’s just TALKING to a bartender and Lucas whispers in her ear “he’s not good enough for you,” KISSES her and then is like BRB and proposes to Lindsey. So rash and stupid.

His blindspots in relationships confuse me. It must be because he gets caught up in the emotions of a 4 (his wing), but its masked in his logical 5ness so he mistakenly thinks he’s being rational when often he isn’t.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ more on his relationships in that section tho. Lucas is still one of my favorites though, despite his flaws.

Ultimately, what a cutie with a big heart.

Brooke Davis is a Type 7 (The Enthusiast) with a Type 8 wing (The Challenger)

Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.

Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others’ lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.

Saved the best character for last. I identify more with Peyton (which is no surprise since we’re the same type, just different wings), but Brooke has the best character arc on the show by far.

I didn’t watch One Tree Hill until I was in college. It was so fun to binge watch this show in 2013/2014 and feel transported back to a time of flip phones, CD collections and emo alternative band obsessions. I honestly didn’t know much about it before then so when my friend told me Brooke Davis was her favorite character I was a bit confused in the beginning.

The way they introduce Brooke and the way the writers have us get to know the real Brooke over the series is a great reminder and a call-out for all of us of how we so often judge people before really getting to know them. I originally saw Brooke as the shallow, hot cheerleader, and probably most of the OTH audience did at first, but as we get to know the root of her insecurities we empathize with her and begin whole-heartedly rooting for her growth as a character.

I typed Brooke a 7 because she’s outgoing, optimistic, and such an excitement and spontaneity instigator. From being the captain of the cheerleading squad to throwing Haley an epic bachelorette party to deciding to foster baby Angie in Season 5 and literally buying every children’s toy in Tree Hill, her main motivations seem to be to enjoy life, spread her joy, and stick up for and protect the people in her life (which showcases her 8 wing). Speaking of her 8 wing…

The Enneagram Seven with an Eight-Wing is called “The Realist.”

7w8 breakdown:

  • 7w8s are assertive, goal-oriented, and ambitious
  • They are enthusiastic, self-confident, often have material success, and are able to overcome obstacles and endure hardships
  • They have a high capacity for leadership, they are tenacious, businesslike, and they seek out intense experiences, direct, stimulated by confrontation and conflict
  • 7w8s are able to overcome obstacles and endure hardships
  • When unhealthy they can become overly emotional, engaging in risky or dangerous behaviors, ruthless in their pursuits, and jaded

When I read about a 7w8s ambition I immediately think of Clothes Over Bros and how passionate and intense she was about it from the beginning. When she first launches and drastically over-sells — this is a perfect depiction of a 7w8.

She’s never afraid of conflict. When unhealthy, she can be too aggressive and can slip into only being confrontational to get a high from it. But when she’s healthy, this is such a good quality because she’s able to advocate for her friends and the principles she believes in.

And she’s most beautiful when she does what’s so hard for 8s and 7s (and even 3s which I see some qualities of this number in her as well) — being vulnerable.

Such an iconic scene and great episode.

Brooke is hilarious, strong, playful and steadfast. She’s the friend you want to have around when you want to have the best time ever, and the friend you want around when you need a loyal protector and fighter.

& she’s quite possibly the most beautiful crier there ever was?

She’s Queen B.


Brooke and Peyton (Type 4 with Type 7)


Enneagram Fours and Sevens tend to be intrigued by each other since they are a generally a case of opposites attracting. Fours tend to be quiet, introverted, self-doubting, emotional, and pessimistic, while Sevens tend to be outgoing, extroverted, self-confident, mental, and optimistic. Fours and Sevens bring to their relationship the charge and mystery of their differences — that they think so differently, react so differently, and find pleasure in such different ways.

Both Fours and Sevens bring a capacity for joy and ecstasy, spontaneity, emotion, and for passion. Both Fours and Sevens love lively conversation and they can pass hours sharing with each other detailed accounts of the events of the day as well as their thoughts and reactions. They both have a love of the new and a sense of adventure and romance that can keep their relationship fresh and lively for themselves and be a source of joy and inspiration for others. Both types can be funny, irreverent, and entertaining. Being opposites, Fours and Sevens can balance each other: Fours bringing a sense of depth and interiority, while Sevens contribute a sense of fun and emotional resilience.

Name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait.

This has always been an interesting pairing to me as I feel like I as a 4 have had a lot of friendships with 7s. It’s a really attractive blend of opposites and similarities — (typically) extrovert (7) with introvert (4), head (7) with heart (4), optimist (7) with realist (4), but paired with a shared passion and zeal for life, attraction to aesthetics, and love for engaging conversations.

When Peyton and Brooke are at their best, Brooke brings Peyton out of her depression and reclusion and makes her feel so special and loved, and Peyton is able to bring Brooke back to earth, help tame her excitement in a healthy way, and encourage her to feel and to be honest.


Both types tend to be impulsive and to be easily frustrated with others when they are disappointed or if their life circumstances do not go as they expect. Both have high expectations for the kind of attention and quality of interactions they want from others, and if they are not forthcoming, both tend to not give others too many second chances to prove themselves. While Fours may admire and even secretly envy the Seven’s resilience and high energy, they may also find themselves worn down by their fast-paced lives and what feels to Fours like the Seven’s relentless plans and activities. Fours can see Sevens as too noisy, superficial, and insensitive-and occasionally coarse and insulting without realizing it.

Sevens can also see Fours as hypersensitive, ineffectual, impractical, moody, and self-absorbed. In addition, if the relationship worsens, Fours usually become more withholding and hostile, sniping at the other from a safe distance. Sevens become more impatient, abrasive, and can be verbally abusive.

Peyton and Brooke go through a lot due to their shared feelings for Lucas. I hate whenever they’re at odds but in the end, it makes their relationship that much stronger.

Brooke has every right to be so angry the first time the love triangle rears its ugly head in Season 1. However, when Brooke finds out that Peyton kissed Lucas again (because she thought she might die…) and is honest with Brooke about her feelings, I of course sympathize with her because it erodes the trust she’s had in her boyfriend and best friend even further, but Brooke’s wing 8 really comes out and she takes her anger too far.

Peyton’s anger is typically more withdrawn and emotional whereas Brooke’s is direct and can be aggressive. Again, she has every right to be upset and mad, but I think Brooke can dabble in the drama sometimes because she gets a high from it. In The Road Back to You by Ian Crohn he says 8s can view conflict as intimacy.

But despite their differences and challenges, they choose each other at the end of the day. Hoes over bros.

P-Sawyer & B-Davis forever.

Lucas and Nathan (Type 3 with Type 5)


Enneagram Fives often give Threes depth, new areas of expertise and credibility, while sparking creativity. Threes give Fives confidence, presentation skills, and awareness of the importance of communicating effectively with others. Both types are preoccupied with competency and effectiveness, especially in their professional areas, and this is where they support each other in an outstanding way. Threes contribute social skills, the ability to communicate and to sell ideas and projects, charm, energy, and a strong sense of practicality to the relationship. Fives bring depth of understanding, expertise in one or more areas, perseverance with details until the goal is accomplished, an objective dispassion, and lack of attachment to outcomes.

This can be a “brilliant” relationship — sharp, successful, deeply competent, and well respected. They can tend to have a quiet affection and pride for each other.

The Scott bros! This relationship dynamic is the original basis of the show. Nathan and Lucas grow from enemies to having such a strong and complementary bond. When Lucas gets too much in his head, Nathan’s able to bring him back to earth a bit and he’s really good at motivating and encouraging him in a loving and simplistic way. Lucas helps Nathan work out the complications in his life and is consistently loyal to and honest with Nathan.

They help each other succeed in their relationships and on the court.


Their emphasis on work and competency can also lead them into conflicts and tensions with each other. There can be elements of comparing one’s work and contributions, claims about who is responsible for which ideas or breakthroughs, and other forms of competitiveness coming not only from Threes but from Fives. Threes also tend to want to get on with the project or with whatever they feel needs to be done, while Fives tend to take a long time fine tuning and tinkering until they feel that they are adequately complete. Fives may also begin to lose respect for the ethical standards of Threes who they feel are ready to cut corners or exaggerate claims in order to accomplish goals or to stay ahead professionally.

Both types can be arrogant and impatient with the other. Threes can seem shallow and dishonest to Fives, while Fives can seem weird and repulsive to Threes. Turning a negative situation around will depend on how much each needs the other, as well as the depth and breadth of other shared values.

Lucas and Nathan certainly aren’t exempt from tension and issues though — even after they decide to truly become brothers and friends. Their competitiveness on the court arises often and when all the ish with Dante happens, Nathan sees a solution to a problem and goes through with it blindly, whereas Lucas questions and wrestles with it more on a cerebral and moral plane.

There’s also a competition in their relationship with Dan. They both hate him yes, but their respective relationships with him are very different and they can have different ideas on how to approach issues with Dan.

At the end of the day they choose each other and are at their best when using their different strengths to excel and better the people around them.

Brooke and Julian (Type 7 with Type 4)


Enneagram Fours and Sevens tend to be intrigued by each other since they are a generally a case of opposites attracting. Sevens help Fours overcome shyness and a possible reluctance to try new experiences. Fours help Sevens stay focused on what they really want — and to respect and allow their feelings. Fours and Sevens bring to their relationship the charge and mystery of their differences — that they think so differently, react so differently, and find pleasure in such different ways. They can therefore become intrigued by the other, finding him or her endlessly fascinating, always ready with something new and unexpected.

Both Fours and Sevens bring a capacity for joy and ecstasy, spontaneity, emotion, and for passion. Both Fours and Sevens love lively conversation and they can pass hours sharing with each other detailed accounts of the events of the day as well as their thoughts and reactions. Both Fours and Sevens love the finer things of life, travel, good food, wine, clothes, and furnishings, and, for better or worse, both can tend to overspend their incomes on what they consider life’s necessities. They both have a love of the new and a sense of adventure and romance that can keep their relationship fresh and lively for themselves and be a source of joy and inspiration for others. Both types can be funny, irreverent, and entertaining. Being opposites, Fours and Sevens can balance each other: Fours bringing a sense of depth and interiority, while Sevens contribute a sense of fun and emotional resilience.

UGH. What a couple.

Also this is the same pairing as Brooke and Peyton… coincidence?

I think the fact that Julian is a 4w3 (not a wing 5 like Peyton) might help connect Brooke and Julian even though they are so different in many ways. 3’s and 7’s have a lot in common (in the ways that they’re energetic, charming, and interpersonal). So in this sense, Julian is both a good complement to Brooke but is also similar and relatable in a lot of ways.

It was so great to have a character so sure about Brooke from the beginning. Any doubts were on her end, and really only because of how much she’s been hurt in relationships before Julian.

He sees her fully, loves her so much, and waits for her to be sure.


Because they are so different in many ways, Fours and Sevens must have several strong points of attraction or else they will likely miss connecting with each other. Unless some strong passion (romantic, mental, or spiritual) keeps them together, they are likely to fly apart if there are any deep disagreements or conflicts early in the relationship. Both have high expectations for the kind of attention and quality of interactions they want from others, and if they are not forthcoming, both tend to not give others too many second chances to prove themselves. While Fours may admire and even secretly envy the Seven’s resilience and high energy, they may also find themselves worn down by their fast-paced lives and what feels to Fours like the Seven’s relentless plans and activities. Fours can see Sevens as too noisy, superficial, and insensitive-and occasionally coarse and insulting without realizing it.

On the other hand, Sevens may admire and try to imitate the Four’s artistic flair, creativity, and appreciation of subtlety and beauty. But Sevens can also see Fours as hypersensitive, ineffectual, impractical, moody, and self-absorbed. Fours may want to talk about everything that has gone wrong with the relationship in great detail with the Seven. By contrast, Sevens typically want to move on to something more promising and upbeat. The result is that underlying problems do not get resolved adequately.

The biggest issues between Brooke and Julian that I can remember is his relationship with Alex (this hot model actress he employs that’s in love with him) and later when he risks the lives of their twin babies by accidentally leaving them in a hot car.

Even though Julian is fully committed to Brooke, there are moments that are iffy between him and Alex that causes a lot of issues between them. Thinking her boyfriend is cheating on her is so triggering for Brooke because of the Brooke/Lucas/Peyton triangle. However, they get passed this because of their strong connection and loyalty toward each other.

When Julian leaves the babies in the car, Brooke loses a lot of trust in him. She behaves like an unhealthy 7 by distancing herself emotionally from Julian and simultaneously acting like there’s not a distrust issue there. Julian slips into a depression and actually gets in a car and turns it to the degree it was to feel what his sons went through, which is total unhealthy 4 behavior. But it’s beautiful to see that in that moment, Brooke can really feel how guilty Julian feels, and that makes them reconnect and go through the trauma of almost losing their sons together.

I love this couple!

It is so great to see Brooke finally get what she deserves.

Lucas and Brooke (Type 5 with Type 7)


Since they are both thinking types, Enneagram Fives and Sevens both bring a lot of mental energy and appreciation for ideas to their relationship. Their approach is complementary and reciprocal — each one brings something that the other does not have. Fives bring depth, clarity of observation, and insight into the objective state of affairs. Sevens bring quickness not only of mind but of spirit — ready to do almost anything at a moment’s notice, from going to a movie to booking an around the world trip.

Fives tend to be somewhat more frugal with money and resources, seldom spending much on themselves (unlike Sevens). Fives also tend to be private and taciturn around strangers, although they can be very funny once they get to know you and feel secure. Fives ground and deepen Sevens, giving them permission to take themselves and their interests more seriously, to focus their energies, and to stay with things until they pay off. Sevens get Fives to try new experiences and to make more social contacts. Both like conversation and ideas and they love to explore new realms together. Fives say: “Life is short: don’t expect too much.” Sevens say: “Life is short: try it all.” Both attitudes are true and can usefully balance the other.

What a legendary couple onscreen and off. Some people even argue they should’ve ended up together. I don’t agree with that, but their attraction to and intrigue with each other makes a lot of sense.

It seems as if Lucas is Brooke’s first relationship with someone deep and serious, and Brooke is not the typical girl for Lucas, and he enjoys both the fact that Brooke is able to bring him out of his shell and the fact that he can allow her to feel her deeper emotions and explore her complexities.


Fives tend to minimize their needs and their expectations of life, particularly whenever they are under more stress. The result is that as pressures on them increase, Fives tend to withdraw and detach emotionally from everyone around them, and ultimately, even from themselves. This pattern is very difficult on Sevens for whom quick action and having multiple escape routes is the norm. As pressures increase on them, Sevens go into hyper-drive, going more places, doing more things, talking more, getting more advice, and gossiping about their relationship problems.

In the lower levels, Fives can see Sevens as too escapist, superficial, intrusive, and coarse. The Seven wants the Five to be more fun so that their experience will be more positive. On the other hand, Sevens think Fives are cold and unresponsive. Conflicts with each other’s style make both dig in their heels: Sevens become more demanding and pushy, whereas Fives become more withdrawn and uncooperative. Sevens may act out to get the Five’s attention, but they may go too far causing Fives to close the door. A lack of trust and difficulty in finding a safe common ground to work out differences makes things worse as both types tend to take extreme, well-defended positions.

The first time they get together it’s very sudden and not cool (especially on Brooke’s end) because it’s immediately after Peyton rejects Lucas — but only because she’s scared to be seen and loved fully by him for the first time. But then it’s not cool of Peyton and Lucas because they start having a ~thing~ behind Brooke’s back. This results in their first break up (and does not result in Peyton and Lucas getting together either).

They get back together in Season 3 and it feels more right this time. Peyton and Brooke have healed their friendship and Lucas has been pining for Brooke for awhile (and has to earn her affections and loyalty back). But they seem to need and want each other at different times and in varying capacities. And their relationship almost feels like they’re trying to validate and prove something to themselves rather than it just being about a selfless, romantic love they have for each other.

Eventually their relationship deteriorates — after Keith dies Lucas does what a 5 does under stress: he withdraw(s) and detach(es) emotionally from everyone around (him). As a 7, Brooke wants to be with him through this, but in it they both realize they don’t need or miss each other enough.

And then when Brooke learns Lucas and Peyton kissed AGAIN while they were together (this time it was because Peyton thought she was dying, but, still, hurtful), it all comes to an end. When Lucas and Brooke aren’t whole-heartedly fighting for each other, their differences become irreconcilable.

Eventually though they’re able to not only be friends but really good friends who root for each other in all aspects of their lives. By Season 5 and 6, Brooke is whole-heartedly rooting for Lucas and Peyton and Lucas’s support for Brooke when she takes care of baby Angie is so kind and altruistic.

What a sweet, sweet friendship.

Nathan and Haley (Type 3 with Type 2)


Both Enneagram Twos and Threes are driven by their feelings and emotional needs-although this is not always apparent in the case of Threes. Both are also driven by their need for attention and the desire to be loved-although this is not always apparent in the case of Twos. But for these reasons, both are oriented toward people and toward activities that will place them in the spotlight. This makes the Two/Three couple one of the most interpersonally attractive and impactful pairings possible. Individually and collectively, they are outgoing, sociable, high-spirited, charming, and often physically attractive. Each type brings energy, personal and social ambition, the ability to communicate with people and to make others feel like they are the center of attention. Twos in particular bring a more personal, individual focus to their interactions with others. Threes bring flexibility, charm, practicality, and a goal-oriented vision for ways the couple can improve. Twos like to feel proud of their loved ones, and Threes want to make their partner proud.

There is also a particular way that this pairing works as a team: Twos like to put the spotlight on others, and Threes like to be in the spotlight. Twos like to be the power behind the throne, and Threes can be happy being the point person for the couple. Twos and Threes can be dazzling — a couple so widely admired and socially gifted that they become icons for their social sphere and time.

Nathan and Haley are arguably the best couple on the show, or at least the most stable. I remember watching OTH for the first time and when they tie the knot, as teenagers, at the end of Season ONE I was like, how are they going to sustain this? And keep the audience interested? Throw in a tour with Chris Keller, a couple near death experiences, and crazy Nanny Carrie! That’s how!

But really, the writers did a good job. You’re always rooting for them no matter what they go through. When you watch them interact initially you think how different they are. But it’s cool to examine the fact that they are both in the ~Feelings~ center as a 2 (Haley) and a 3 (Nathan). I think this really helps them connect emotionally even though they’re so different in a lot of ways.

Nathan’s a very unhealthy 3 in the beginning — putting on a front and his original intentions with Haley were not pure. His growth his huge in the show. Haley has her moments but she starts as a healthy 2 and remains that way fairly consistently. She’s able to make him a healthy version of himself (and lean into that 2 wing) because she’s the first person that supports him altruistically and loves him no matter how he performs in basketball. In turn, Nathan makes Haley feel special, beautiful and desirable.


A couple with such conscious star power also tends to be self-conscious — and even more conscious of each other. Twos get jealous and possessive of Threes. They can fall into a “I made you — you owe me” syndrome, feeling used and unappreciated. For all of their apparent willingness to take second place, Twos want to be recognized privately by their partners and to be made to feel that they are important. But Threes typically find it difficult to thank others for their success or to share the glory. As a result, Twos can start to undermine the Three’s confidence to get the Three to feel that he or she depends on the Two. Threes react quickly and strongly to perceived criticism and potential humiliation by distancing themselves — inevitably creating more anxiety and manipulation in the Two, a vicious cycle.

Part of the problem is that both have underlying feelings of shame and vulnerability and they know each other’s weak spots and can play on them when they have to. Furthermore, potential conflicts can arise because neither Twos nor Threes are particularly introspective nor are they very interested in their own underlying motives. Twos fundamentally feel that Threes put work and career before them, their children and home life, primary values for Twos. They feel that Threes are too focused on success and that they are missing the really valuable things in life. Threes feel Twos are smothering and emotionally manipulative, making them feel guilty for working hard and making the most of themselves. Intimacy deteriorates into bickering, and what it means to have a successful relationship becomes a real question.

I touched on this a bit in Haley’s section, but I think one of the reasons for her leaving Nathan and her friends behind to go on tour was a result of her always feeling like the helper and the servant to the people in her lives — she wanted to do something just for her. Nathan and Haley are most unhealthy when they’re putting their passions over each other, instead of valuing them in a way that always puts family first.

When conflicts arise between them, Nathan disconnects by being too focused on his career and slipping into his old ways, and the ways of his father (self-pitying, exploding in rage, and being selfish). Haley disconnects by holding too fast to her morality.

They’re both better as a team.

& when they’re kissing in the rain.

Lucas and Peyton (Type 5 with Type 4)


Both types bring a certain richness and special qualities of aspects of human development: Fours bring an artistic and emotional temperament, the habit of introspection and sensitivity to feelings in themselves and others. Both types are private and like depth, and they do not mind taking time to explore things deeply and to savor the richness of their own experience. Enneagram Fours and Fives may well have different interests but they appreciate different perspectives and respect the other’s intensity and commitment to following their own feelings and interests.

Both types can be extremely creative and both love to share their findings with the other, making stimulating, wide-ranging conversation and open communication a hallmark of a Four/Five relationship, both in the intensity of their conversation and in the sincere interest they bring to their listening to each other. They both share an “outsider” status. Fives draw Fours out by showing them other worlds and other perspectives, with a depth that Fours like. Fours help Fives stay in contact with their personal self and feelings. Both inspire creativity in the other and give permission to the other to be themselves and follow their own inspirations.

“Peyton Sawyer will become Peyton Scott” is something Lucas believed in and longed for since he was a lil preteen.

He’s confident in their future since the beginning.

When they have their first kiss in Season 1, Peyton gets scared of this confidence and what Lucas really wants with her: everything.

And when she changes her mind, it’s too late — he’s just started dating Brooke.

“When you said you wanted to be with me, I got scared and I pushed you away. But the truth is, I want all the same things you want, and I want them with you.” -Peyton

I feel like 5’s have an easier time committing because they don’t let their feelings get in the way, they only let them get in the way enough. 4’s are notorious at pushing away the people they actually want the most.

Lucas and Peyton are so similar (sensitive, creative, moody) that I think initially it makes them want to explore relationships with people that are different from them (Brooke, Jake, etc.). But what’s so great about Peyton and Lucas not dating for most of high school is that they really lay down their foundation as really good friends. They learn the intricacies of each other’s personalities and how to deeply care for each other without romance and drama. So when they finally get together, it feels just like the natural next step. It feels so meant to be and right.


The greatest area for discord in a Four/Five pairing is that Fours are emotional types and tend to push for more contact and intimacy, whereas Fives are thinking types and tend to push for more detachment and space in the relationship, sometimes becoming more reclusive and private. Fours can experience Fives as being too intellectual and feel that Fives are analyzing them rather than sympathizing with their emotional needs and states. Fours feel they can also be impractical and take too long to respond when a situation calls for action.

Fives feel that Fours’ emotionality reflects a lack of rationality or is a sign of immaturity that seems potentially dangerous and out of control. Fours tend to be easily frustrated with the quality of attention they get from Fives (since they can be preoccupied with their mental worlds, not with the relationship), thus they tend to provoke the Five until they get a response. Romantic relationships can get very intense quickly and combust. Emotional florid reactions confronting emotional detachment and rational analysis quickly get to an impasse that may spiral into a breakup.

In high school, Lucas withdraws emotionally when big things are happening in his life (like when he’s figuring out who really killed Keith).

The emotional vs. thinking discord makes a lot of sense when Lucas is trying to get Brooke back in Season 3 and doesn’t see that he really belongs with Peyton. And then it happens again in Season 5 when he loses Lindsey because he again…. doesn’t see that he really belongs with Peyton.

After they get back together for the last time and get engaged, their biggest point of contention is when Peyton gets pregnant and learns her life is in grave danger if she has the baby. Lucas, being more logical, wants her to put herself first. But Peyton who’s more emotional doesn’t think of that option for a second.

But ultimately, he trusts her and she and the baby both survive. At their best, they love each other and their new daughter unconditionally, and they both give permission to the other to be themselves and follow their own inspirations.

Cutie lil star-crossed lovers.


Originally published at on March 3, 2019.



Monica Moser
Monica Moser

Written by Monica Moser

Monica Moser is an Austin-based singer/songwriter, podcaster, & freelance writer working in digital marketing in the music industry. TW/IG: @monicamoser

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